
BP302T. PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS-I (Theory) Hand Written Notes

Download Here BP302T. PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS-I (Theory) Hand Written Notes.

Scope: The course deals with the various physica and physicochemical properties, and
principles involved in dosage forms/formulations. Theory and practical
components of the subject help the student to get a better insight into various
areas of formulation research and development, and stability studies of
pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Objectives: Upon the completion of the course student shall be able to

  1. Understand various physicochemical properties of drug molecules in the
    designing the dosage forms
  2. Know the principles of chemical kinetics & to use them for stability testing nad
    determination of expiry date of formulations
  3. Demonstrate use of physicochemical properties in the formulation
    development and evaluation of dosage forms.

Solubility of drugs : Solubility expressions, mechanisms of solute solvent interactions,
ideal solubility parameters, solvation & association, quantitative approach to the factors
influencing solubility of drugs, diffusion principles in biological systems. Solubility
of gas in liquids, solubility of liquids in liquids, (Binary solutions, ideal solutions)
Raoult’s law, real solutions. Partially miscible liquids, Critical solution temperature and
applications. Distribution law, its limitations and applications.

download Here Unit-1-solubility-of-drugs


States of Matter and properties of matter :State of matter, changes in the state of matter, latent heats, vapour pressure, sublimation critical point, eutectic mixtures, gases, aerosols – inhalers, relative humidity, liquid complexes, liquid crystals, glassy states, solid- crystalline, amorphous & polymorphism. Physicochemical properties of drug molecules: Refractive index, optical rotation,
dielectric constant, dipole moment, dissociation constant, determinations and applications.

download Here unit-2-physical-pharmacy



Surface and interfacial phenomenon: Liquid interface, surface & interfacial tensions,
surface free energy, measurement of surface & interfacial tensions, spreading coefficient,
adsorption at liquid interfaces, surface active agents, HLB Scale, solubilisation, detergency, adsorption at solid interface.

Download Here Physical pharma-unit-3


Complexation and protein binding: Introduction, Classification of Complexation, Applications, methods of analysis, protein binding, Complexation and drug action,
crystalline structures of complexes and thermodynamic treatment of stability constants.

Download here unit-4-Complaxation-and-protein-binding-full


pH, buffers and Isotonic solutions: Sorensen’s pH scale, pH determination
(electrometric and calorimetric), applications of buffers, buffer equation, buffer capacity, buffers in pharmaceutical and biological systems, buffered isotonic solutions. HAP Notes

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